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Instead of looking up and learning chords one-at-a-time, String Theory always shows chords together with other chords (and scales) that sound good together - because they share the same musical key. With a pallette of chords and scales that play well together, musicians are free to play more expressively.
As a guitar player, I had already developed the basic skills necssary for playing stringed instruments - but lacked specific knowledge of ukulele. I was eager to play this new instrument, so like many others, I started searching online and in books for ukulele chords and songs.
It did't take long to realize looking up chords one at time was really boring. I already had the skills to play physically - what I was missing - the pallette of chords and notes to choose from when playing. That's when I started creating charts of chords and scales to play on the ukulele. Eventually, the ukulele chord and scale charts I made were published online as Ukulele Charts.
Finally I was able to play more freely with the instrument, unbounded from the limits of the songs or chords I learned through online searches. Soon I realized I wanted to make chord charts for the guitar that worked just as well. The challenge? Ukulele charts were made graphically, and it took a long time and a lot of work. If I were to create a version for the guitar, I would need a new strategy.
StringTheoryPro uses proprietary software to generate chord and scale charts in every musical mode and key for any stringed instrument. Since the charts are created programatically, instead of graphically, they are easier to maintain and improve. Along with this key improvement came the addition of chords and scales for the bass guitar, chord diagrams in all 5 "CAGED" chord shapes, chord suggestions (non-diatonic chords from outside the context of the current musical key) and chord progressions.